5/1/23: fixed some loading issues (finally)!! & began working on the ART GALLERY! nothing there yet, im trying to figure out how to make a nice click-through gallery, maybe also sort pieces by year? idk! also, something NEW in the COMING SOON section below!

4/25/23: some minor maintenance, nothing new on the about page (yet) but that'll be next update's focus. added a memorial page for my pet bird who recently passed. no proper link yet, but its there.

12/26/22: began revamping the about page! i realized i probably shldnt have too much personal info on there, so im changin it up a bit!! also added the COLLECTION page! tune in soon for a direct link on the sidebar!

9/16/22: yellow has started work on her page! its pretty bare bones rn, but check back soon! also, some NEW STUFF in the COMING SOON SECTION!!

7/19/22: LONG TIME NO SEE!!! cleaned up the sidebar, & added the LINKS page! also seeking to fix the weird tiny text issue.

4/30/22: changes on shadowy's page (made by him!) & a guestbook now available on the homepage!!!

4/24/22: added system info on the ABOUT page! and now u can add the official 159 ONLINE button 2 your own webpages!! wowie!

4/15/22: made sum changes to my (sloaf's) page!! once the existing pages r all done we'll add some new onez!!

4/11/22: updated the about page! not done yet but its mostly complete :P